I am suffering from migraine and cervical pain for 3 years and now it becomes worse. What's the cure plz guide No Medical history
Married with 3 children Repeated yeast infections no UTI especially after travel episodes for 3 years now. Haven’t kept a record of the tests What is the cause of repeated yeast infection? Please note this is the second time in 2 months. Previously dr prescribed canestan internally and augmentine 7-day course.
I am suffering from last 1-year stomach and tonsils related issues which for I visited multiple doctors, Hakeem and homeopathic clinics. I feel constant pressure on chest, sometimes in throat and body pain. It leads to not get me to sleep well even sometimes breathing will also cause pain. The pressure or chest tightness, whatever it is feel in the throat to chest and chest to throat, please help and refer, who can treat me.
Asking on behalf of a friend She is feeling a swelling on the side of her skull bone near the ear on the end corner of skull bone ( it is hard like growth in the bone) it hurts and it appears and disappear on its own Plz, enlighten what is it? (Picture reference of the exact point)
I have pain in my lower back which appears about 1-2 times a year and usually goes away in 1-2 weeks. The pain is not triggered by anything. When this happens I am unable to walk, unable to stand up by myself, unable to sleep, and I experience agonising muscle spasms. I have seen various doctors and received 3 different diagnoses: sciatica, slipped disc, facet joint syndrome. I have been refused a scan as I am 'too young'. I am 25 and otherwise healthy. I live in fear of this happening again.
I want to know which multivitamin should I take to overcome the daily weakness (bones are hurting) plus that won't result in weight gain too. Plz, advice Thankyou.
My sister's skin is getting strange day by day She is 45 plus Initially had fair complexion now in last 10/15 years her complexion is getting darker. We are from Karachi, what she should do? How can she improve her texture and complexion Bcz of her skin, she is also facing marital problems Also, tell me Which dr. she should consult? She can’t afford high end surgery
My niece is 10 months old she had Chickenpox 3 months back and the marks are still there on her face and other parts and some of them are pitted marks like a hole.
I switched from Similac to Morinaga NL33 for my boy(4months) due to spit ups & indigestion issue on child specialist recommendation. He also advised for bliss infant carminative 5ml twice. Now my baby poop color is changed to greenish black sticky and many smelly. He said that due to iron thing and will be fine but today was the third day. Is it due to switching and will get normal or anything serious?
I'm facing a problem since last month. I'm 25, married for 1.5 yrs. Taking medication to treat PCOS as recommended by my gynecologist. Last month and this month,3-4 days after my period, I see dark blood sometimes when i go to the washroom. Its not all the time and doesn't always show when I wash. Sometimes I can see it in my clothes too. This is supposed to be my fertile window but again like last month, this whole dark blood stain on clothes is scaring me.
I have been dealing with unexplained muscle aches & soreness for everyday years. On days leading up to & following my period, it's the most intense & uncomfortable that I struggle to get myself up and sometimes cannot. It feels like intense aching, tenderness, and soreness. I feel it in every muscle in my body from my cheeks aching, my fingertips, my arms, my torso, my back. etc. It is not my joints aching, rather my muscles and it is NOT relieved at all by OTC pain meds. What's going on?
I want to know about uterine fibroids. Like what is the reason for its growth. If someone was diagnosed with it in 2nd pregnancy not in first pregnancy or ever earlier then it will shrink on its own after delivery? Size of the 2 fibroids is less than 1cm both of them. No abdominal pain, cramping no disturbance at all.
I have for a month or more experienced this weird sensation of having hair or a small crunch inside of my mouth. I have tried everything possible but the feeling wont go away. Sometimes the feeling sits under my tongue, sometimes on my tongue at the back, sometimes at the inside of my cheek, sometimes at the teeth gum at the back. What the heck is this? Sometimes the feeling can go away for a few hours or an entire day if im lucky.
I just want to clarify that my wife is pregnant from 6 months and this is 2nd pregnancy she has vaginal infection lots of discharge and itching plz suggest that can she use any medicine if yes then which medicine?
Please guide about any good and reasonable skin specialist for my 1 year & 8 months old daughter. She is suffering from some kind of redness majorly on face & somehow on arms and legs. Kind of rashes. also, suggest if I should consult a child specialist or a skin specialist for her. Please note that she is allergic to cefspan and once this kind of rashes happened because of it. But now she is not taking any medicine except T-day syrup for skin rash.
My husband is 70 years. very fair complexion. No smoking diabetes patient but under control day by day, his lips are coming very dark. Please let me know why. and what 'll we do.
What does it mean if some have normal TSH and FT4 but low FT3 on thyroid test results? Can some doctor interpret it?
I have some kind on uneasiness in the front part of my tongue, its not sore, its irritative and bit painful too, its continuous from 8 days, what is this please help me.
18 week pregnant, bp suddenly drops sometimes Today morning it was 55/36. Ultrasound is done 20 days ago but still, she doesn't feel any moment is it ok?
My brother(9 years old) diagnosed with blood cancer and having low white blood cells count. Doctors can't do his next chemotherapy session until white blood cells reach to a specific point. So I just want to know which diet he should consume to increase white blood cells? Or is there any anti-cancer food which could be helpful to cure his disease? If yes then please guide.